1977 ‹CYOA 2›
Journey Under the Sea
by R. A. Montgomery
You are the hero of a fabulous deep sea adventure
You are an underwater explorer. In the deepest ocean, you have accidentally been shut out of your special underwater vessel! Luckily you have friends above you in a boat. But can they save you in time? As they begin pulling you up, you get dizzy and your arms and legs start to feel weak … you are exhausted! Then you see a dolphin heading toward you. You know these marvelous mammals sometimes help people in trouble.
Available at the Internet Archive
- 117 pages
- 42 endings
- 212 unique paths
- 11 choices in longest path

Every Branch
Every Path
Every Decision
Every Reading
Every Page-flip
Every Page
- 4 illustrated spreads
- 17 full-page illustrations
- 16 inline illustrations
- 13 ‘story’ pages
- 42 endings
- 46 pages with two choices
- 1 page with three choices
- undefined pages with four (or more) choices