1986 ‹CYOA 53›
The Case of the Silk King
by Shannon Gilligan
Someone wanted Jim Thompson out of the way….
One day an envelope is mailed to your detective agency. Inside are two one-thousand-dollar bills, a plane ticket to Thailand, and a newspaper article. The article is about the incredible disappearance of Jim Thompson, the “Thai Silk King.” It promises a huge reward to whoever finds him! Someone wants you to investigate – but who?
Available at the Internet Archive
- 115 pages
- 19 endings
- 19 unique paths
- 24 choices in longest path

Every Branch
Every Path
Every Decision
Every Reading
Every Page-flip
Every Page
- 2 illustrated spreads
- 24 full-page illustrations
- 2 inline illustrations
- 55 ‘story’ pages
- 19 endings
- 16 pages with two choices
- 1 page with three choices
- undefined pages with four (or more) choices