1990 ‹CYOA 107›
Fight for Freedom
by Jay Leibold (pseudonym used by Jay Montavon)
You are about to witness apartheid!
The year is 1976. Your winning essay on the educational system in South Africa has attracted so much attention that the South African government has invited you and your classmates to see the system firsthand. While on a guided tour through a village, you see a mysterious figure in a window across the way. You should stay with your group, but this might be an opportunity to see the real South Africa. What will you do?
Available at the Internet Archive
- 115 pages
- 10 endings
- 12 unique paths
- 36 choices in longest path

Every Branch
Every Path
Every Decision
Every Reading
Every Page-flip
Every Page
- undefined illustrated spreads
- 21 full-page illustrations
- 5 inline illustrations
- 74 ‘story’ pages
- 10 endings
- 11 pages with two choices
- undefined pages with three choices
- undefined pages with four (or more) choices