1983 ‹CYOA 17›
The Race Forever
by R. A. Montgomery
You must conquer the wild country to win the race forever!
You are an experienced race car driver, competing in the First African Dual Road Race Rally. You choose your car, meet your navigator, and you’re off! You zoom along the wild and rocky road. Soon you come to a wide riverbed. Driving across won’t be easy. Suddenly thunder rumbles and raindrops spatter furiously on your car. You have been warned that heavy rain brings flash floods. Should you risk crossing now?
Available at the Internet Archive
- 116 pages
- 33 endings
- 411 unique paths
- 14 choices in longest path

Every Branch
Every Path
Every Decision
Every Reading
Every Page-flip
Every Page
- 6 illustrated spreads
- 19 full-page illustrations
- 14 inline illustrations
- 49 ‘story’ pages
- 33 endings
- 32 pages with two choices
- undefined pages with three choices
- undefined pages with four (or more) choices