1985 ‹CYOA 40›
The Throne of Zeus
by Deborah Lerme Goodman
Anything can happen in your search for the mighty Zeus!
You’ve been magically transported back to ancient Greece by the goddess Athena. You task: find Zeus, king of Olympus. But Zeus could be anywhere. Where should you start?
Available at the Internet Archive
- 118 pages
- 30 endings
- 63 unique paths
- 23 choices in longest path

Every Branch
Every Path
Every Decision
Every Reading
Every Page-flip
Every Page
- 20 illustrated spreads
- 9 full-page illustrations
- 8 inline illustrations
- 46 ‘story’ pages
- 30 endings
- 31 pages with two choices
- undefined pages with three choices
- undefined pages with four (or more) choices