1984 ‹CYOA 31›
Vampire Express
by Tony Koltz
You’re in the heart of vampire country … and there’s no turning back.
You’re on a vampire hunt in deepest Romania with your uncle Andrew and your friend Nina. You’re riding horseback toward an eerie castle when a thick fog rolls in. Suddenly you’re surrounded by wolves! Your uncle races ahead – but Nina is thrown off her horse and disappears into the fog. What should you do?
Available at the Internet Archive
- 118 pages
- 22 endings
- 40 unique paths
- 21 choices in longest path

Every Branch
Every Path
Every Decision
Every Reading
Every Page-flip
Every Page
- 4 illustrated spreads
- 13 full-page illustrations
- 16 inline illustrations
- 58 ‘story’ pages
- 22 endings
- 22 pages with two choices
- 2 pages with three choices
- undefined pages with four (or more) choices