1981 ‹CYOA 9›
Who Killed Harlowe Thrombey?
by Edward Packard
Someone murdered Harlowe Thrombey. Only you can find out who did it.
Millionaire Harlowe Thrombey hired you to find out who was out to get him. But before you even got started, someone laced his bedtime brandy with arsenic. Now you have a murder case on your hands! The suspects include his wife Jane, his nephew Chartwell, and his niece Angela – all heirs to his enormous fortune.
Available at the Internet Archive
- 122 pages
- 14 endings
- 71,802 unique paths
- 22 choices in longest path

Every Branch
Every Path
Every Decision
Every Reading
Every Page-flip
Every Page
- 2 illustrated spreads
- 17 full-page illustrations
- 24 inline illustrations
- 58 ‘story’ pages
- 14 endings
- 20 pages with two choices
- 8 pages with three choices
- 5 pages with four (or more) choices